Le Nostre Collezioni

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L’ orologioadornato da una corona regale, esprime il suo dominio sulla vita.
Sul quadrante la figura d'argento realizzata dai maestri orafi Aretini

The softwatch, Dali’s best known surrealistic image is stupended upon the tree of
life. The draped woman represents desire, rality and the material world. The pensive
angel represents the deeply religious aspect of man. Notwith standing these two
aspects which guide our daily life, time reigns supreme. Dali has crowned time
“ King“ – the master of all mankind.

Caratteristiche tecniche
cassa  placcata oro e acciaio , movimento Isa Quarz Swiss made calibro 268 6 3/4 8 elettronico a  due sfere , vetro minerale, cinturino in pelle personalizzato con fodera in nabuk, fibbia in acciaio priva di nikel, quadrante con placchetta di argento di varie forme realizzata dai maestri orafi di Arezzo

Prezzo € 230,00 1 anno Garanzia internazionale

Technical features
Movement: Isa Quarts – Swiss made calibre 268 6 ¾ - 8 elettronic 32,768 Hz,
Two hands, Glass: mineral, Strap: leather, nabuk allergic cover and contains no nikel
Dial: in several colours, there is a particular application of a silver fusion, realized by
Dharma Design development of Arezzo
Guarantee: TusciarT watches have 1 year guarantee covering manufacturing defects
Limited edition

Price € 230,00 1 year international warranty

Nobiltà del Tempo Nobility of time

I Tesori di Dalì

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Il Piano è sorretto da gambe femminili  e sormontato da un angelo.
Sul quadrante la figura d'argento realizzata dai maestri orafi Aretini

Throughout his life Dali was fascinated by the piano, which became one of his favourite surrealist themes. The piano represented the ephemeral beauty of music which he united with the timeless beauty of a woman’s body. Both, women and music, are part of life’s infinite sensual attraction.

Caratteristiche tecniche
cassa  placcata oro e acciaio , movimento Isa Quarz Swiss made calibro 268 6 3/4 8 elettronico a  due sfere , vetro minerale, cinturino in pelle personalizzato con fodera in nabuk, fibbia in acciaio priva di nikel, quadrante con placchetta di argento di varie forme realizzata dai maestri orafi di Arezzo

Prezzo € 230,00 1 anno Garanzia internazionale

Technical features
Movement: Isa Quarts – Swiss made calibre 268 6 ¾ - 8 elettronic 32,768 Hz,
Two hands, Glass: mineral, Strap: leather, nabuk allergic cover and contains no nikel
Dial: in several colours, there is a particular application of a silver fusion, realized by
Dharma Design development of Arezzo
Guarantee: TusciarT watches have 1 year guarantee covering manufacturing defects
Limited edition

Price € 230,00 1 year international warranty

Piano Surrealista

Surrealist Piano

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La fragile figura di Alice che lancia una corda al di sopra della testa, sul quadrante la figura d'argento realizzata dai maestri orafi Aretini

Alice in Wonderland has always been one of Dali’s favorite surrealistic symbols. This image exists throughout his entire iconography is depicted in all mediums. Alice is the eternal child encountering the confusion of the looking-glass world with the naiveté and logic of children. After all her encounters with the inhabitants of the surreal world, Alice emerges into reality, not only unharmed, but pure and
unchanged. Her hands hairs have blossomed into the most romantic of all flowers, the rose. She stands proud and tall in all her beauty without the need of the crutch of reality… a woman for all season

Caratteristiche tecniche
cassa  placcata oro e acciaio , movimento Isa Quarz Swiss made calibro 268 6 3/4 8 elettronico a  due sfere , vetro minerale, cinturino in pelle personalizzato con fodera in nabuk, fibbia in acciaio priva di nikel, quadrante con placchetta di argento di varie forme realizzata dai maestri orafi di Arezzo

Prezzo € 230,00 1 anno Garanzia internazionale

Technical features
Movement: Isa Quarts – Swiss made calibre 268 6 ¾ - 8 elettronic 32,768 Hz,
Two hands, Glass: mineral, Strap: leather, nabuk allergic cover and contains no nikel
Dial: in several colours, there is a particular application of a silver fusion, realized by
Dharma Design development of Arezzo
Guarantee: TusciarT watches have 1 year guarantee covering manufacturing defects
Limited edition

Price € 230,00 1 year international warranty

Alice Nel paese delle Meraviglie - Alice in wonderland

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Dura nel suo aspetto esteriore, molle all'interno, l'infinita lentezza della lumaca e la velocità vertiginosa dell'angelo e rappresentata sul quadrante in argento realizzata dai maestri orafi Aretini.

Dalì was fascinated by the dichotomies that exists in nature. It is well-known that one of Dali’s more obsessive fetishes was the snail, because it incorporates the paradox of softness ( the animal ), with hardness ( the shell ). The snail is the symbol of the slow passing of time. The Angel who keeps the forces of the spirit visits it to bestow the gift of unlimited speed

Caratteristiche tecniche
cassa  placcata oro e acciaio , movimento Isa Quarz Swiss made calibro 268 6 3/4 8 elettronico a  due sfere , vetro minerale, cinturino in pelle personalizzato con fodera in nabuk, fibbia in acciaio priva di nikel, quadrante con placchetta di argento di varie forme realizzata dai maestri orafi di Arezzo

Prezzo € 230,00 1 anno Garanzia internazionale

Technical features
Movement: Isa Quarts – Swiss made calibre 268 6 ¾ - 8 elettronic 32,768 Hz,
Two hands, Glass: mineral, Strap: leather, nabuk allergic cover and contains no nikel
Dial: in several colours, there is a particular application of a silver fusion, realized by
Dharma Design development of Arezzo
Guarantee: TusciarT watches have 1 year guarantee covering manufacturing defects
Limited edition

Price € 230,00 1 year international warranty

La Lumaca e l'Angelo - The Snail and the Angel

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Simbolo della mitologia occidentale le cui più belle raffigurazioni impreziosiscono le tappezzerie medievali. Sul quadrante la figura d'argento realizzata dai maestri orafi Aretini

The Unicorn has always served a legendary symbol of grace and purity. Its horn was believed to posses the power to neutralize ant type of poison. Dali’s Unicorn takes on another aspect…that of the romantic defender of womankind and femminility. The mythological beast goes to any lenght to prove his love and make homage to the female beauty. By penetrating the wall, Dali’s symbolism represents the most
romanticof all themes: love conquers all!

Caratteristiche tecniche
cassa  placcata oro e acciaio , movimento Isa Quarz Swiss made calibro 268 6 3/4 8 elettronico a  due sfere , vetro minerale, cinturino in pelle personalizzato con fodera in nabuk, fibbia in acciaio priva di nikel, quadrante con placchetta di argento di varie forme realizzata dai maestri orafi di Arezzo

Prezzo € 230,00 1 anno Garanzia internazionale

Technical features
Movement: Isa Quarts – Swiss made calibre 268 6 ¾ - 8 elettronic 32,768 Hz,
Two hands, Glass: mineral, Strap: leather, nabuk allergic cover and contains no nikel
Dial: in several colours, there is a particular application of a silver fusion, realized by
Dharma Design development of Arezzo
Guarantee: TusciarT watches have 1 year guarantee covering manufacturing defects
Limited edition

Price € 230,00 1 year international warranty

Unicorno - Unicorn

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Dali rende omaggio alla bellezza del corpo femminile  con la raffigurazione della “Venere”.
Sul quadrante la figura d'argento realizzata dai maestri orafi Aretini.

Dali pays homage to the beauty of the female figure adding his own special surrealistic elements. The melted watch attests to the temporal beauty of the flash, whereas the beauty of art is timeless and eternal. The Space Venus is divided into two parts revealing the egg which symbolizes life, renewal, continuation, and eternal hope.
In the dalinìan universe the perfection of woman is honored for all time as she leads humanity to the future.

Caratteristiche tecniche
cassa  placcata oro e acciaio , movimento Isa Quarz Swiss made calibro 268 6 3/4 8 elettronico a  due sfere , vetro minerale, cinturino in pelle personalizzato con fodera in nabuk, fibbia in acciaio priva di nikel, quadrante con placchetta di argento di varie forme realizzata dai maestri orafi di Arezzo

Prezzo € 230,00 1 anno Garanzia internazionale

Technical features
Movement: Isa Quarts – Swiss made calibre 268 6 ¾ - 8 elettronic 32,768 Hz,
Two hands, Glass: mineral, Strap: leather, nabuk allergic cover and contains no nikel
Dial: in several colours, there is a particular application of a silver fusion, realized by
Dharma Design development of Arezzo
Guarantee: TusciarT watches have 1 year guarantee covering manufacturing defects
Limited edition

Price € 230,00 1 year international warranty

Venere Spaziale - Space venus

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Dali ha sovente detto: La materializzazione della flessibilità del tempo e della individualità del tempo e dello spazio.

L’orologio molle non segna piu’ il tempo ma misura più la sua corsa . Si vede una lacrima cadere dall’occhio del profilo di Dalì deplorante il tracciato della via sulla quale deve procedere l’umanità.

All men must bend to the passage of time. Dali’s famous melted watch hears is veryown face in profile,attesting to Dali’s own homage to the “ master “ of all…time. The watch is carefully balanced on the symbolof eternal life, thetree. Dali’s message is clear… there is a precarious balance between life and time and manmust understand how to balance the two in older to maximize the gift of lift.

Caratteristiche tecniche

cassa placcata oro e acciaio , movimento Isa Quarz Swiss made calibro 268 6 3/4 8 elettronico a  due sfere , vetro minerale, cinturino in pelle personalizzato con fodera in nabuk, fibbia in acciaio priva di nikel, quadrante con placchetta di argento di varie forme realizzata dai maestri orafi di Arezzo 

Technical features

Movement: Isa Quarts – Swiss made calibre 268 6 ¾ - 8 elettronic 32,768 Hz,

Two hands

Glass: mineral

Strap: leather, nabuk allergic cover and contains no nikel

Dial: in several colours, there is a particular application of a silver fusion, realized by

Dharma Design development of Arezzo

Guarantee: TusciarT watches have 1 year guarantee covering manufacturing defects

Limited edition

Il profilo del tempo - Profile of time